Young man abstains from 2 types of food for 7 months and sees miraculous results, not just weight loss

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A young man shares his personal experience of abstaining from eating these 2 types of food for 7 months. The results were amazing. It wasn’t just the weight loss.

When it comes to health, everyone wants to try and follow tricks to stay as fit as possible. For many, this might mean cutting calories and exercising more, but for one determined man in the UK, that wasn’t enough – he cut certain food groups out of his diet entirely. 

Young man abstains from 2 types

To get fitter, Wales Online editor Steffan Rees decided to cut out highly processed foods and says it has transformed his life and his body.

“In early 2024, I decided to cut out highly processed foods,” Steffan said. “I also cut out foods with added sugars, such as chocolate, sweets or desserts, but I didn’t cut out alcohol.”

Explaining his decision, he said: “I didn’t intend to do this for the rest of my life. I just felt unwell and bloated after Christmas 2023.”

Since the beginning of 2024, Steffan has been following a diet plan that has almost no processed foods in it. He feels much stronger on this diet and is very surprised by the results.

“In the seven months I was on this new diet plan, I never weighed myself because I didn’t have a scale at home,” Steffan said. “But one weekend I went to a friend’s house and there was a scale there. I got on and was quite surprised by what I saw.”

“I’ve lost at least 6kg, maybe 9.5kg. I’m about 1.72m tall, and over the years my weight has been pretty steady at around 73kg (sometimes close to 76.5kg).”

“I’m sure my clothes have gotten looser over the last few months and I’ve had to put my belt through holes I’ve never had before,” Steffan added. “But I’m still shocked at how much weight I’ve lost. Especially because I haven’t reduced the amount of food I eat. Just the composition of my food. I still work out quite a bit, but I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

Steffan’s method may be an interesting change and worth learning about. A recently published study revealed that eating too much highly processed food can increase your risk of developing several diseases.

In particular, a report published in the journal BMJ found that eating too many highly processed foods can increase your risk of 32 health problems, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and depression.