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Category Archives: Health

5 great foods to increase youthfulness and rejuvenate

5 great foods to increase youthfulness and rejuvenate

5 great foods to increase youthfulness and rejuvenate. Having low levels of testosterone Also called Hypogonadism, this condition simply means low testosterone levels. It must be treated to prevent long-term health problems. Diagnosis by a healthcare provider You may need to check the size of

Dengue Fever VS Influenza: What's the difference?

Dengue Fever VS Influenza: What’s the difference?

How to recognize the differences between dengue fever and influenza. Because although some symptoms are similar, they are actually completely different diseases. Dengue fever Dengue fever It is a dengue virus disease that is carried by Aedes mosquitoes. Which is found mostly in tropical and temperate countries. Bureau

5 healthy foods Eating too much will harm yourself!

5 healthy foods Eating too much will harm yourself!

Healthy ladies and young men who love health will enjoy shopping for clean food happily. Whatever they say is good, prepare it in its entirety, don’t let it be lacking. You will have good health as you hope, but where can you get superfoods that are said

Benefits of "Quinoa" and side effects of eating too much quinoa

Benefits of “Quinoa” and side effects of eating too much quinoa

Quinoa is considered one of the best grains in the group. “Superfood” or the ultimate food that is beneficial to the body that many health lovers turn to eat. Quinoa is a grain that has some distinctive odors. But if cooked correctly, it will help bring out the mild

What will happen to the body? If you take laxatives every day

What will happen to the body? If you take laxatives every day

Laxatives may be the first answer. For people who experience difficulty excreting Or what is known as Constipation, which is a disorder of bowel movement. The symptoms are Defecating less than 3 times per week or difficulty defecating Taking longer than usual to push Or having